Was I Healed
Was I Healed?
Last week, at this time, I was home wallowing in misery. My wife had graciously shared her creeping crud with me and there we sat, side by side in our recliners...hacking, blowing, coughing, sneezing, and speaking like Barry White. It was a battle of the wills...who would break and get up first? Whoever broke and stood up ended up chasing down new kleenex, another drink, maybe a little snack, and worst of all, letting the dog out. If you let the dog out, you had to stay vertical long enough for the dog to do it’s business and want to come back in. It was what Hallmark pictures as wedded bliss.
Today, I feel pretty good. A few sniffles still, some watery eyes, a little headache, but way better than last week. My question is, did God heal me? Is God in the process of healing me completely? There are several reasons why I ask such a question. I don’t remember praying to get better. I do not think I had great faith that I would get better. I just assumed it would run it’s course and I would get better. I also am not sure that I ever thanked God that I was feeling better. I spent more time gauging what I thought I was able to do than I did thinking about thanking God for any kind of strength to do it.
Did I rob God of some glory that was due him? Obviously God healed me. He designed our bodies to protect themselves and to fight off foul germs. He built within us the need to sleep when our body needs healing. Over the past week he has given me tons of mucus to help protect me, lubricate my nasal passages, and to expel germs from my body. Why have I never taken the time to thank God for the production of mucus that helps me heal and keeps the Kleenex people employed? Why have I not given God glory for all of the warning signs in my body that go off as little alarms to tell me that something is wrong? We are fearfully and wonderfully made and our bodies are designed to fight what this sin soaked world seeks to throw at it. God certainly healed me. God heals all of our diseases. He destroys every effect of sin. This time I was healed here. Next time I may be healed there. But I will always be healed. He deserves to be thanked and praised for that.
Last week, at this time, I was home wallowing in misery. My wife had graciously shared her creeping crud with me and there we sat, side by side in our recliners...hacking, blowing, coughing, sneezing, and speaking like Barry White. It was a battle of the wills...who would break and get up first? Whoever broke and stood up ended up chasing down new kleenex, another drink, maybe a little snack, and worst of all, letting the dog out. If you let the dog out, you had to stay vertical long enough for the dog to do it’s business and want to come back in. It was what Hallmark pictures as wedded bliss.
Today, I feel pretty good. A few sniffles still, some watery eyes, a little headache, but way better than last week. My question is, did God heal me? Is God in the process of healing me completely? There are several reasons why I ask such a question. I don’t remember praying to get better. I do not think I had great faith that I would get better. I just assumed it would run it’s course and I would get better. I also am not sure that I ever thanked God that I was feeling better. I spent more time gauging what I thought I was able to do than I did thinking about thanking God for any kind of strength to do it.
Did I rob God of some glory that was due him? Obviously God healed me. He designed our bodies to protect themselves and to fight off foul germs. He built within us the need to sleep when our body needs healing. Over the past week he has given me tons of mucus to help protect me, lubricate my nasal passages, and to expel germs from my body. Why have I never taken the time to thank God for the production of mucus that helps me heal and keeps the Kleenex people employed? Why have I not given God glory for all of the warning signs in my body that go off as little alarms to tell me that something is wrong? We are fearfully and wonderfully made and our bodies are designed to fight what this sin soaked world seeks to throw at it. God certainly healed me. God heals all of our diseases. He destroys every effect of sin. This time I was healed here. Next time I may be healed there. But I will always be healed. He deserves to be thanked and praised for that.
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