
Life can get complicated. Sometimes it is nothing more than a series of minor circumstances that build into one big mess. Other times, it may be some bad news from the doctor or a phone call from our child’s school and our world seems to spin out of control. JCM is a group of people dedicated to helping their friends and neighbors gain a whole new perspective of life and it’s many complexities.
Types of Counseling
Premarital and marital, relational issues, conflict resolution, encouragement, life problems such as: finances, depression, grief, anxiety, eating disorders, physical and emotional abuse, self esteem, sex, addictions etc.
A Free Service to our Community
Jacobstown Counseling Ministries is a free service provided to our community through the generous donations of the people of Jacobstown Baptist Church. There will be no fees for any session and all materials will be free. Donations will be accepted but will never be requested from anyone coming to counseling.

Call Today for an Appointment
Tel: 609-758-8007