Please Interfere
Please Interfere
My wife has a gift. Actually, she has many gifts but this gift seems to be her super power. We speak of it often and she seems to have begun to embrace it. She can take any situation, at any time, and complicate it. She can take the simplest of plans and complicate them in such a way that those around her are so discombobulated that they are frozen in their tracks. She is able to take a short trip from point A to point B and find a shortcut that will lengthen the trip by at least half the time. Checking out of any store is always an adventure. I have waited until she was the next in line before heading to the car. I pull the car up to the door only to be left waiting for the next 15 minutes as she complicates the check out process beyond all recognition. She has even taken on a life motto, “Complicating lives all through out the Tri-State area”. I have analyzed this gift over the years and have concluded that this is not from overthinking things but from not thinking about things until she is right in the middle of something. Then she goes through the natural processes that most normal people go through before they get into the situation and thus the many options that are available become viable and thus the complication. You have to really think about that last sentence, but once you to, you will see the brilliance of it. As her spouse, which makes us one, I have learned that her complication is my complication. It is one of my greater joys.
People complicate our lives. Being involved with other people makes almost any decision that we make more complicated. If we want people involved in our lives, then we must expect complications. That is why some people become experts at keeping people at a distance. They do their best to limit the number of people that are able to complicate their lives. They have relationships that are built in such a way where they always have control of each situation. This way, everything is on their terms and people are not able to complicate their lives. It makes life a little easier and often, way less rewarding. While people can complicate our lives, they also can expand our lives in ways we never imagined.
Some of these thoughts were on my mind the other night when I wanted to sneak away for an hour or two to go fishing. I had prepared for this kind of last minute decision weeks ago. I have all the equipment I need in my truck. All I have to do is get in and go. I told my wife at the last minute and was looking forward to heading out the door. Her gift then kicked in. If I didn’t get out the door quickly, my quick, uncomplicated little fishing trip would become quite the ordeal. It wasn’t that I didn’t want her to come, if she liked, but I just wanted her to grab a book and get in the truck. That did not happen, things began to get complicated, and so I quickly just left. The Lord judged me though, as my third cast tangled my line into such a mess that I had to come home. With all of this on my mind, I was reading in Acts 14. Luke records what Paul was preaching. “In past generations he allowed all the nations to walk in their own ways” Acts 14:16.
If I am totally honest, sometimes I not only try to avoid my wife’s gift but I also try to avoid when God interferes with my life. I don’t want to hear him when he is calling me to serve. I don’t want to listen when he prompts my heart to change. I want to do what I want to do without any interference from any one. These thought usually do not last long and I yield to his wisdom and love but those feelings are sometimes there. I just simply want to do what I want to do. But can you imagine? Can you imagine if the Lord simply allowed me to walk in my own way? If God had not “interfered” and changed me forever? If he had not broken into my life and turned me completely around and set my feet on a different path? It honestly makes me shudder to think of that as a possibility. To be allowed to walk in our own ways is to walk toward complete and eternal destruction. To be allowed to be that totally self absorbed and selfish may seem to be the height of freedom but it is truly the ultimate in slavery and ruin. When God interferes into our lives he brings life, joy, peace, and purpose. It is always good to be reminded of that.
My life with my wife, with others, and with God is way more complicated that if I were alone and able to do whatever I desired, whenever I desired to do it. But, my life would be empty, without purpose, and moving toward eternal damnation. Thank you, to everyone, whom God has used to complicate my life so that it is full, rich, and moving toward eternal reward. May God give me the grace to remind me of that truth the next time my wife’s gift kicks in.
My wife has a gift. Actually, she has many gifts but this gift seems to be her super power. We speak of it often and she seems to have begun to embrace it. She can take any situation, at any time, and complicate it. She can take the simplest of plans and complicate them in such a way that those around her are so discombobulated that they are frozen in their tracks. She is able to take a short trip from point A to point B and find a shortcut that will lengthen the trip by at least half the time. Checking out of any store is always an adventure. I have waited until she was the next in line before heading to the car. I pull the car up to the door only to be left waiting for the next 15 minutes as she complicates the check out process beyond all recognition. She has even taken on a life motto, “Complicating lives all through out the Tri-State area”. I have analyzed this gift over the years and have concluded that this is not from overthinking things but from not thinking about things until she is right in the middle of something. Then she goes through the natural processes that most normal people go through before they get into the situation and thus the many options that are available become viable and thus the complication. You have to really think about that last sentence, but once you to, you will see the brilliance of it. As her spouse, which makes us one, I have learned that her complication is my complication. It is one of my greater joys.
People complicate our lives. Being involved with other people makes almost any decision that we make more complicated. If we want people involved in our lives, then we must expect complications. That is why some people become experts at keeping people at a distance. They do their best to limit the number of people that are able to complicate their lives. They have relationships that are built in such a way where they always have control of each situation. This way, everything is on their terms and people are not able to complicate their lives. It makes life a little easier and often, way less rewarding. While people can complicate our lives, they also can expand our lives in ways we never imagined.
Some of these thoughts were on my mind the other night when I wanted to sneak away for an hour or two to go fishing. I had prepared for this kind of last minute decision weeks ago. I have all the equipment I need in my truck. All I have to do is get in and go. I told my wife at the last minute and was looking forward to heading out the door. Her gift then kicked in. If I didn’t get out the door quickly, my quick, uncomplicated little fishing trip would become quite the ordeal. It wasn’t that I didn’t want her to come, if she liked, but I just wanted her to grab a book and get in the truck. That did not happen, things began to get complicated, and so I quickly just left. The Lord judged me though, as my third cast tangled my line into such a mess that I had to come home. With all of this on my mind, I was reading in Acts 14. Luke records what Paul was preaching. “In past generations he allowed all the nations to walk in their own ways” Acts 14:16.
If I am totally honest, sometimes I not only try to avoid my wife’s gift but I also try to avoid when God interferes with my life. I don’t want to hear him when he is calling me to serve. I don’t want to listen when he prompts my heart to change. I want to do what I want to do without any interference from any one. These thought usually do not last long and I yield to his wisdom and love but those feelings are sometimes there. I just simply want to do what I want to do. But can you imagine? Can you imagine if the Lord simply allowed me to walk in my own way? If God had not “interfered” and changed me forever? If he had not broken into my life and turned me completely around and set my feet on a different path? It honestly makes me shudder to think of that as a possibility. To be allowed to walk in our own ways is to walk toward complete and eternal destruction. To be allowed to be that totally self absorbed and selfish may seem to be the height of freedom but it is truly the ultimate in slavery and ruin. When God interferes into our lives he brings life, joy, peace, and purpose. It is always good to be reminded of that.
My life with my wife, with others, and with God is way more complicated that if I were alone and able to do whatever I desired, whenever I desired to do it. But, my life would be empty, without purpose, and moving toward eternal damnation. Thank you, to everyone, whom God has used to complicate my life so that it is full, rich, and moving toward eternal reward. May God give me the grace to remind me of that truth the next time my wife’s gift kicks in.
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