And Yet
And Yet
Sometimes I think it is best to know when to give up a fight. You may believe in something very strongly but being in the vast minority it may be time to give up the struggle to get others on board. Unless something big happens to change the minds of others, your love for something is probably not enough to stem the tide. But I am not there yet. I read and listen to too many news reports. I hear of the mockery of Christians. I see the disrespect that we have for one another. I listen to too many reports of violence. I have read many articles that speak of the struggles that our children are facing as they are taught ideals that bring destruction. I watch our leaders brag about how they will protect the rights of those who wish to kill children. Election cycles bring out the worst in so many people. I hear the concern of believers as they watch how sin ravages those around them. I read believers comments on social media and I can hear their anger. I know their hearts and how they know that God is their only hope. AND YET so few show up for Prayer Meeting each week. You would think, at least I would, that the opposite would happen. That the darker the days, the greater number who would gather together regularly to pray. AND YET Prayer Meeting still draws such small numbers.
There might be a number of reasons for this. While the days are dark, they have always been dark. There is also a good amount of joy and goodness in life. Prayer Meeting is too negative? Or maybe Prayer Meeting is on a bad night. To be honest, individual prayer is just as powerful as corporate prayer. The power is in our God, not our numbers. I get it. But when we change Prayer Meeting and make it about gathering or events, we double and triple our numbers. When we have AWANA, many more come out. Let’s be honest. People do not come to Prayer Meeting because they find it boring. All we do is listen to endless prayer requests, sing a few songs, have a short Bible study, and pray. There is not much for the kids and honestly, not much for us. Prayer Meeting is more work than it is worship. So we just don’t go. Sunday mornings are enough.
I understand. For me, I would not call prayer work but I would call it a discipline. I have seen too many wonderful and powerful things that God has done through prayer to ever call it boring but it does take discipline for me. I am moved that the early church found prayer such an important part of their lives (Acts 2:42-47). I learn much about others and their hearts as I listen to them pray. I find that being united with others to pray for the same things gives me strength and joy. Praying for others gives me hope that I am actually helping them. God has often spoke to my heart about ministries and decisions during times of corporate prayer. I so long for those times that I often go to times of corporate prayer with open ears and an open heart.
You will not receive much Christian peer pressure to go to Prayer Meeting. Most believers do not attend. It is easy to find other things that pull you away. To be honest, once again, there are many times that you will question whether the hour spent in Prayer Meeting was worth it. You will not walk away changed or fulfilled. Prayer is an act of faith. God promises to hear and answer our prayers. We must believe that truth if we are to continue in prayer. Prayer is powerful because God is all powerful and he commands us to pray. We know that. I often receive phone calls from people who desire for those who gather each Wednesday to pray for something in their lives. We need prayer and we love to bring to God our concerns and desires. We also love for many others to pray when we are in need. AND YET we still choose to spend Wednesday nights doing what we do every other night. Choose to come out and pray with us. Tonight at 7.
Sometimes I think it is best to know when to give up a fight. You may believe in something very strongly but being in the vast minority it may be time to give up the struggle to get others on board. Unless something big happens to change the minds of others, your love for something is probably not enough to stem the tide. But I am not there yet. I read and listen to too many news reports. I hear of the mockery of Christians. I see the disrespect that we have for one another. I listen to too many reports of violence. I have read many articles that speak of the struggles that our children are facing as they are taught ideals that bring destruction. I watch our leaders brag about how they will protect the rights of those who wish to kill children. Election cycles bring out the worst in so many people. I hear the concern of believers as they watch how sin ravages those around them. I read believers comments on social media and I can hear their anger. I know their hearts and how they know that God is their only hope. AND YET so few show up for Prayer Meeting each week. You would think, at least I would, that the opposite would happen. That the darker the days, the greater number who would gather together regularly to pray. AND YET Prayer Meeting still draws such small numbers.
There might be a number of reasons for this. While the days are dark, they have always been dark. There is also a good amount of joy and goodness in life. Prayer Meeting is too negative? Or maybe Prayer Meeting is on a bad night. To be honest, individual prayer is just as powerful as corporate prayer. The power is in our God, not our numbers. I get it. But when we change Prayer Meeting and make it about gathering or events, we double and triple our numbers. When we have AWANA, many more come out. Let’s be honest. People do not come to Prayer Meeting because they find it boring. All we do is listen to endless prayer requests, sing a few songs, have a short Bible study, and pray. There is not much for the kids and honestly, not much for us. Prayer Meeting is more work than it is worship. So we just don’t go. Sunday mornings are enough.
I understand. For me, I would not call prayer work but I would call it a discipline. I have seen too many wonderful and powerful things that God has done through prayer to ever call it boring but it does take discipline for me. I am moved that the early church found prayer such an important part of their lives (Acts 2:42-47). I learn much about others and their hearts as I listen to them pray. I find that being united with others to pray for the same things gives me strength and joy. Praying for others gives me hope that I am actually helping them. God has often spoke to my heart about ministries and decisions during times of corporate prayer. I so long for those times that I often go to times of corporate prayer with open ears and an open heart.
You will not receive much Christian peer pressure to go to Prayer Meeting. Most believers do not attend. It is easy to find other things that pull you away. To be honest, once again, there are many times that you will question whether the hour spent in Prayer Meeting was worth it. You will not walk away changed or fulfilled. Prayer is an act of faith. God promises to hear and answer our prayers. We must believe that truth if we are to continue in prayer. Prayer is powerful because God is all powerful and he commands us to pray. We know that. I often receive phone calls from people who desire for those who gather each Wednesday to pray for something in their lives. We need prayer and we love to bring to God our concerns and desires. We also love for many others to pray when we are in need. AND YET we still choose to spend Wednesday nights doing what we do every other night. Choose to come out and pray with us. Tonight at 7.
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