Never Brings Peace
Never Brings Peace
“All that my father gives me will come to me, and whoever comes to me I will never cast out” John 6:37
There are times when Jesus speaks in parables and speaks in a manner that only those who truly desire to hear will take the time to figure out what he is saying. But when it comes to those issues that speak to our hearts, that are too amazing for us to believe, or issues that bring us rest, Jesus speaks simply and clearly. He leaves no doubt. He does not qualify his promises. He states them simply and clearly and he rests them in his own character. We may confuse and complicate these promises by the messiness of our lives but they are not promises based on our behaviors. They are not promises based on our fickle hearts. They are not promises based on our ability to do more. They are promises based on the character of Jesus. When Jesus promises, “I will never cast out” he means that he will never cast out those who truly come to him. The word never was not chosen by Jesus to be hyperbole, it was chosen by Jesus because he meant never.
We may have days (weeks? Months? YEARS?) where we find ourselves arguing with this truth. “But Jesus”, our hearts cry out, “I have been so sinful. I have struggled to be faithful. I know you know most of what I have done but my actions were nicer than what my heart was. I have fallen into the same sin ever since I have been saved. I truly am the definition of the wicked step child. I can only confess and repent so many times. You cannot still love me and want me in your family after all of this.” Jesus gently answers us back, “Child, if you come to me, I will never cast you out”.
That kind of love is designed to cast out all fear (I Jn 4:18). There is nothing more stable in my storm tossed life than the love and security that Jesus gives to me. Others may run from me the moment I am not too lovely. Some simply drift away from my life. But Jesus never will cast me out. Again, this is not based on my ability to hold on to him but his promise to hold on to me. That truth brings me a calmness and peace and turns my face toward him in worship.
“All that my father gives me will come to me, and whoever comes to me I will never cast out” John 6:37
There are times when Jesus speaks in parables and speaks in a manner that only those who truly desire to hear will take the time to figure out what he is saying. But when it comes to those issues that speak to our hearts, that are too amazing for us to believe, or issues that bring us rest, Jesus speaks simply and clearly. He leaves no doubt. He does not qualify his promises. He states them simply and clearly and he rests them in his own character. We may confuse and complicate these promises by the messiness of our lives but they are not promises based on our behaviors. They are not promises based on our fickle hearts. They are not promises based on our ability to do more. They are promises based on the character of Jesus. When Jesus promises, “I will never cast out” he means that he will never cast out those who truly come to him. The word never was not chosen by Jesus to be hyperbole, it was chosen by Jesus because he meant never.
We may have days (weeks? Months? YEARS?) where we find ourselves arguing with this truth. “But Jesus”, our hearts cry out, “I have been so sinful. I have struggled to be faithful. I know you know most of what I have done but my actions were nicer than what my heart was. I have fallen into the same sin ever since I have been saved. I truly am the definition of the wicked step child. I can only confess and repent so many times. You cannot still love me and want me in your family after all of this.” Jesus gently answers us back, “Child, if you come to me, I will never cast you out”.
That kind of love is designed to cast out all fear (I Jn 4:18). There is nothing more stable in my storm tossed life than the love and security that Jesus gives to me. Others may run from me the moment I am not too lovely. Some simply drift away from my life. But Jesus never will cast me out. Again, this is not based on my ability to hold on to him but his promise to hold on to me. That truth brings me a calmness and peace and turns my face toward him in worship.
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