Support Team
Support Team
In II Kings 6 we read of Elisha and one of his servants. Elisha got up one morning to find that he was surrounded by a king’s army who had come to take him to the king. The servant panicked and Elisha said this, “Do not be afraid, for those who are with us are more than those who are with them.” Elisha then prayed, “O Lord, please open his eyes that he may see.” The passages goes on to say that the Lord opened the eyes of the young man and he saw that the mountain was “full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha”. In the NT we have an even greater promise. John reminds us in I John 4:4, “For he was in you is greater than he who is in the world”. We are never alone. We do not stand alone. We have a support system that is beyond this world. We are supported by the one who has all ready won.
But God has also given us flesh and blood reminders of how many people have our back. Family, friends, brother and sisters in Christ, and even co-workers. Yes, they can let us down and that pain is real and heavy. But they are also reminders of the heavenly support system that will never let us down. Yesterday, I was talking with my neighbor. He is a high school teacher and he was sharing with me how he is teaching principles and life lessons to his students. He reminded me of the many good people who are out there serving our community and our children. Seeking to teach, not only their subject material, but also teaching how to thrive in life also. I walked away encouraged to know that he, and others, are out there seeking to make a positive difference in our teens lives. It reminded me of all the people that have my back. People I do not often think about. Those who volunteer at the fire house. EMT’s who will be at my house in minutes in order to help me medically. Doctors and nurses who are only a phone call away. The police who run towards danger in order to protect me and my family. Mark, who oversees my retirement funds so that I can have money when I cannot work. I am glad that he pays attention to those things so I can pay attention to other things. Just because I pay for some of these services, does not take away from the truth that God has placed so many people in my life to help me. I do not grow or raise much of my food. I cannot fix my own car. I have people who pick up my garbage and people who do whatever they do to my refuse. If needed, I could learn to do all of these things but, for now, I am blessed to have so many people who support my life. Good people. Yes, they are making a living, but they really do support my lifestyle. It truly is amazing when you stop to think about how God has created us to truly support each other. Yes, it complicates our lives but it is also a beautiful thing when you stop and think about it. I am freaking out about it today. It is like I am having a “we are the world” moment.
If you watch the news you begin to think that the only people out there are those who are seeking to tear your lifestyle down. So many people pushing agendas and world views that are diametrically opposed to that which you believe. And to be truthful, there are many people whose goal is to push agendas that are totally against the Word of God. I thank God for the army of the Lord that stands ready to finish what Jesus has all ready won. But I also want to thank the Lord for others, like my neighbor, who is there everyday seeking to serve teens by teaching them life lessons that create a culture that is best for everyone. I am grateful for those who serve our communities everyday. Who make my lifestyle possible. So many people who have our backs and are only a phone call away. They are truly a gift from God.
In II Kings 6 we read of Elisha and one of his servants. Elisha got up one morning to find that he was surrounded by a king’s army who had come to take him to the king. The servant panicked and Elisha said this, “Do not be afraid, for those who are with us are more than those who are with them.” Elisha then prayed, “O Lord, please open his eyes that he may see.” The passages goes on to say that the Lord opened the eyes of the young man and he saw that the mountain was “full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha”. In the NT we have an even greater promise. John reminds us in I John 4:4, “For he was in you is greater than he who is in the world”. We are never alone. We do not stand alone. We have a support system that is beyond this world. We are supported by the one who has all ready won.
But God has also given us flesh and blood reminders of how many people have our back. Family, friends, brother and sisters in Christ, and even co-workers. Yes, they can let us down and that pain is real and heavy. But they are also reminders of the heavenly support system that will never let us down. Yesterday, I was talking with my neighbor. He is a high school teacher and he was sharing with me how he is teaching principles and life lessons to his students. He reminded me of the many good people who are out there serving our community and our children. Seeking to teach, not only their subject material, but also teaching how to thrive in life also. I walked away encouraged to know that he, and others, are out there seeking to make a positive difference in our teens lives. It reminded me of all the people that have my back. People I do not often think about. Those who volunteer at the fire house. EMT’s who will be at my house in minutes in order to help me medically. Doctors and nurses who are only a phone call away. The police who run towards danger in order to protect me and my family. Mark, who oversees my retirement funds so that I can have money when I cannot work. I am glad that he pays attention to those things so I can pay attention to other things. Just because I pay for some of these services, does not take away from the truth that God has placed so many people in my life to help me. I do not grow or raise much of my food. I cannot fix my own car. I have people who pick up my garbage and people who do whatever they do to my refuse. If needed, I could learn to do all of these things but, for now, I am blessed to have so many people who support my life. Good people. Yes, they are making a living, but they really do support my lifestyle. It truly is amazing when you stop to think about how God has created us to truly support each other. Yes, it complicates our lives but it is also a beautiful thing when you stop and think about it. I am freaking out about it today. It is like I am having a “we are the world” moment.
If you watch the news you begin to think that the only people out there are those who are seeking to tear your lifestyle down. So many people pushing agendas and world views that are diametrically opposed to that which you believe. And to be truthful, there are many people whose goal is to push agendas that are totally against the Word of God. I thank God for the army of the Lord that stands ready to finish what Jesus has all ready won. But I also want to thank the Lord for others, like my neighbor, who is there everyday seeking to serve teens by teaching them life lessons that create a culture that is best for everyone. I am grateful for those who serve our communities everyday. Who make my lifestyle possible. So many people who have our backs and are only a phone call away. They are truly a gift from God.
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