Her Majesty
Her Majesty
The Queen of England has died. I have read several quotes from Queen Elizabeth II that suggest that she may have had faith in Christ. I pray that is true. I cannot say that I have watched any of the ceremonies in honor of the Queen but I have read a few articles describing what was happening. It is hard to imagine what it would be like to mourn the passing of your mom or grandmother in front of the whole world. I found myself wondering what it would be like being crowned king while grieving the loss of your mummy (I also found myself wondering if those from England found that term endearing or just a bit annoying). I soon grew weary of all of the drama, whether all real or mostly made up, about William and Kate and Harry and Meghan. I found that I cared about the family, as I would anyone who has lost a loved one, but that it was only on my mind when I saw or read something about what was happening. I cannot say that I grieved in any way, but if I was in the position, I think I would have helped. Those from England seemed to be truly grieving.
Because I am not from England, I was somewhat detached from what seemed to be a truly personal event for England. In the U.S. when a beloved President dies (have we had one of those recently?) we may grieve but it does not seem to be the same type of grieving that those in England are doing now. I am sure that if I grew up in England I might understand a little more.
All of this began to clarify for me what Paul was speaking about in Phil 3:17-21. “Brothers, join in imitating me, and keep your eyes on those who walk according to the example you have in us. For many, of whom I have often told you and now tell you even with tears, walk as enemies of the cross of Christ. Their end is destruction, their god is their belly, and they glory in their shame, with minds set on earthly things. But our citizenship is in heaven, and from it we await a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, who will transform our lowly body to be like his glorious body, by the power that enables him even to subject all things to himself.” I am no longer a citizen of this world. I care about this world, I will help in any way I can, and I hurt and rejoice with this world...but I am a citizen of another place. My longings are for that day when I will be transformed to be like the one whom I strive to be with. The pulls and powers of this world are limited and temporary as one day all will bow to the glory of Jesus. I do not need to measure up to this world’s definition of success because, while I am a part of this world, I am a citizen of another world. I point this world to the one who can bring true purpose and meaning but I understand that many will reject and seek to place their hope in that which will fail them. I am saddened by this but I must see these false hopes for what they are so that I keep my eyes fixed on where I am going.
The nation of England grieves the loss of their Queen. They honored her life with great ceremonies and pageantry. Much of the world watched and many world leaders gathered to honor her life and legacy. But hopefully, the Queen saw all of this for what it really is. Hopefully she understood that while all of the pageantry is beautiful and flattering, in reality she sees none of it as she lies dead in a casket...just like all of us will one day. Lord willing, she saw what was most important and her citizenship was in heaven. No matter how often she heard, “Long live the Queen” may she have realized the kindness of that statement but also the finality of it. While I am sure she was honored to be the Queen of England, it is far better to be a citizen of heaven. May the Lord give me a holy detachment from this world as I cling to my citizenship in heaven.
The Queen of England has died. I have read several quotes from Queen Elizabeth II that suggest that she may have had faith in Christ. I pray that is true. I cannot say that I have watched any of the ceremonies in honor of the Queen but I have read a few articles describing what was happening. It is hard to imagine what it would be like to mourn the passing of your mom or grandmother in front of the whole world. I found myself wondering what it would be like being crowned king while grieving the loss of your mummy (I also found myself wondering if those from England found that term endearing or just a bit annoying). I soon grew weary of all of the drama, whether all real or mostly made up, about William and Kate and Harry and Meghan. I found that I cared about the family, as I would anyone who has lost a loved one, but that it was only on my mind when I saw or read something about what was happening. I cannot say that I grieved in any way, but if I was in the position, I think I would have helped. Those from England seemed to be truly grieving.
Because I am not from England, I was somewhat detached from what seemed to be a truly personal event for England. In the U.S. when a beloved President dies (have we had one of those recently?) we may grieve but it does not seem to be the same type of grieving that those in England are doing now. I am sure that if I grew up in England I might understand a little more.
All of this began to clarify for me what Paul was speaking about in Phil 3:17-21. “Brothers, join in imitating me, and keep your eyes on those who walk according to the example you have in us. For many, of whom I have often told you and now tell you even with tears, walk as enemies of the cross of Christ. Their end is destruction, their god is their belly, and they glory in their shame, with minds set on earthly things. But our citizenship is in heaven, and from it we await a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, who will transform our lowly body to be like his glorious body, by the power that enables him even to subject all things to himself.” I am no longer a citizen of this world. I care about this world, I will help in any way I can, and I hurt and rejoice with this world...but I am a citizen of another place. My longings are for that day when I will be transformed to be like the one whom I strive to be with. The pulls and powers of this world are limited and temporary as one day all will bow to the glory of Jesus. I do not need to measure up to this world’s definition of success because, while I am a part of this world, I am a citizen of another world. I point this world to the one who can bring true purpose and meaning but I understand that many will reject and seek to place their hope in that which will fail them. I am saddened by this but I must see these false hopes for what they are so that I keep my eyes fixed on where I am going.
The nation of England grieves the loss of their Queen. They honored her life with great ceremonies and pageantry. Much of the world watched and many world leaders gathered to honor her life and legacy. But hopefully, the Queen saw all of this for what it really is. Hopefully she understood that while all of the pageantry is beautiful and flattering, in reality she sees none of it as she lies dead in a casket...just like all of us will one day. Lord willing, she saw what was most important and her citizenship was in heaven. No matter how often she heard, “Long live the Queen” may she have realized the kindness of that statement but also the finality of it. While I am sure she was honored to be the Queen of England, it is far better to be a citizen of heaven. May the Lord give me a holy detachment from this world as I cling to my citizenship in heaven.
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