The Lord is my Portion

The Lord is my Portion
This past week and a half I have found myself battling some health issues that have totally drained my energies.  I tested negative for Covid and so I keep figuring that tomorrow will be a better day.  I am not looking for sympathy or advice but I would like to point out several surprises that God has brought to my heart.
I have several friends who are also struggling.  Some with Covid and hospital stays, others with long term diseases they are battling, others with recent surgeries, still others with spiritual battles.  I find that I have a deeper empathy for each one of them.  It stinks to struggle.  You do not want your focus to only be on your struggle but it is shouting so loud that it demands your attention.  Other tasks or obligations take so much more effort, that there is little effort left to find joy.  But joy you must find.
The truths of God become more precious.  I found myself thinking about Ps 73:26.  “My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.”  Now, I do not want to be overly dramatic about not feeling great for a few days, but it has slowed my roll down and focused my attention where it should be.  God is my portion.  That concept comes from Numbers 18 when the Promise Land was being divided up.  When it came time for the Levi’s to receive their portion, they were told that the Lord would be their portion.  He would be their provider, he would be their secure inheritance.  He would be their “enough”.  When your lying in a hospital bed with no ability to help yourself – he is enough.  When you wake up in the middle of the night with pain – he is enough.  When you are tired of fighting – he is enough.  The Lord, not our strength, not our abilities, is our portion.
This is why you remain faithful in your Bible study.  I had not thought about the concept of the Lord being my portion for quite some time.  In the past, when I read and thought about the Lord being my portion, it did not move my heart as it did this morning.  As I prayed for my friends, the Holy Spirit brought this truth to my heart out of my past study.  The truth of Jesus being my portion warmed my heart and brought comfort to my soul.  The thoughts of my friends in hospital beds, in pain, or mentally exhausted were overcome by the thoughts of Jesus being enough for them.  He was there and he has chosen to be their portion.  All of the help they are receiving, the support from family, or the medicines they are taking are all part of the Lord being their portion.  In the end, he is enough.
Jesus being enough brings great rest.  We don’t need anything else.  When we want more, it is then that we are dissatisfied.  When we want Jesus, we are always satisfied.  Here is a great song that can be prayed as a prayer.
In the morning, when I rise
In the morning, when I rise
In the morning, when I rise, give me Jesus
Give me Jesus
Give me Jesus
You can have all this world
But give me Jesus
And when I am alone
Oh, and when I am alone
And when I am alone, give me Jesus
Give me Jesus
Give me Jesus
You can have all this world
But give me Jesus
And when I come to die
Oh, and when I come to die
And when I come to die, give me Jesus
Give me Jesus
Give me Jesus
You can have all this world
You can have all this world
You can have all this world
But give me Jesus

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