It seems that it is only at this time of the year that we use the words “hustle and bustle”. Our schedules become very overcrowded with school programs, relatives to visit, presents to by, and Christmas parties. I want to encourage you to take some time to stop and meditate on some of the great truths found in the Christmas story. If you could find a quiet place, then get yourself comfortable, and take ten minutes (yes, time it) to stop and meditate on a great truth found in the Word of God. Now, before you do this, you want to take some time to study. You do not want to sit and meditate on your ignorance but you want to sit and think about truth. These kinds of studies are super easy these days, if you can find reliable web sites. Gather up your study, take a point or two, and stop and think about how this truth teaches you about God, how this truth changes your life, how this truth relates to other truths, or how this truth changes the way you think about yourself. Selah is a term associated with the Psalms. It is an exhortation, we think, to pause and think about what you just sang, so that it lifts your heart in praise. That is a good start for your meditation time. I have listed some ideas about what you can think about. Try not to make it too broad. You want to force yourself to stop and spend some time truly thinking and listening to God.
It seems that it is only at this time of the year that we use the words “hustle and bustle”. Our schedules become very overcrowded with school programs, relatives to visit, presents to by, and Christmas parties. I want to encourage you to take some time to stop and meditate on some of the great truths found in the Christmas story. If you could find a quiet place, then get yourself comfortable, and take ten minutes (yes, time it) to stop and meditate on a great truth found in the Word of God. Now, before you do this, you want to take some time to study. You do not want to sit and meditate on your ignorance but you want to sit and think about truth. These kinds of studies are super easy these days, if you can find reliable web sites. Gather up your study, take a point or two, and stop and think about how this truth teaches you about God, how this truth changes your life, how this truth relates to other truths, or how this truth changes the way you think about yourself. Selah is a term associated with the Psalms. It is an exhortation, we think, to pause and think about what you just sang, so that it lifts your heart in praise. That is a good start for your meditation time. I have listed some ideas about what you can think about. Try not to make it too broad. You want to force yourself to stop and spend some time truly thinking and listening to God.
- What is the “incarnation”?
- How awesome is the truth that the creator became the creation? Phil 2
- How can I live incarnationally in the lives of others?
- How does Jesus really bring joy to the world?
- Think about how the names of God in Isaiah 9:6 change your life today.
- How amazing is it that God spoke to the shepherds and the wise men?
- How does God making Elizabeth pregnant the same time as Mary show God’s compassion and concern for Mary?
- Why did Jesus live 30 years here on earth before he gave his life? Why not come down from heaven for the weekend, die, rise again, and then go back to heaven?
- Starting with Herod wanting to kill Jesus, think of all the ways that our Lord was abused for our sake and the obedience of the Father.
- What does it mean that he was led like a sheep to be slaughtered? What does that say about Jesus?
- What does it mean that the wise men brought gifts that were really useful in death?
- Ponder on what Mary pondered in her heart. Luke 2:19
- Take any thoughts from Isaiah 53 and spend some time thinking about them.
- Take any of these words or phrases, and spend time thinking about what they mean: Savior, Peace, in excelsis deo, Goodwill, or Mary, do not be afraid.
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