Difference Makers
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Difference Makers
You come to church one Sunday and there are a few holes in the grounds. You point them out to others and then you come back in a few weeks and the holes are gone. You look around and notice that there aren’t any weeds in the gardens. You come to service each week and there are people ready to lead music, you can hear the music, and the words appear on the screen. These things are not done by magic but are accomplished by your fellow church members who give up part of their lives to make sure you are able to worship without distraction.
Yesterday, two of our men sacrificed part of their lives, by coming and working on some sink holes that developed near our cesspool system. They began by pumping out some smelly water, they then dug down the sink hole, found the hole that had developed, and plugged the hole. They did so rejoicing that the cesspool, as a whole, was in good shape and that it was just a small hole. I think I would have had other words on my mind. They have a plan to keep it from happening again. No fan fair. No applause. Servants on a mission to make sure your children are safe and that we can flush without impunity. Difference makers for the Kingdom of God that few will notice.
On any given Saturday you can come to church and find one of our members cleaning the toys. Keeping your children safe. Another individual does a job that we thought was so intrusive into your life that we decided to pay someone to do it...yet they do not take the pay. I know one guy who has a list of volunteer jobs that he wants to do around JBC. A list! He is not waiting for someone to ask him to do something, he made his own list! A couple of our people come in, about four times a year, and redecorate our auditorium. I never know when it is happening and it so nice to walk in and see the new decorations and be reminded of another season for service. Difference makers. Behind the scenes. Serving Jesus by serving others. They do not make things about them but act as true servants seeking to please their Master.
Each week we gather for worship and more often than not, we never notice how much has been done to allow us to worship without distractions. Every once in a while, we notice because an error is made or something does not work like it should or someone cannot fulfill their service and others have to fill in but for the most part, it is our joy to worship without distraction. Thank the Lord for that joy. Then take the time to find a behind the scenes person or two and thank them. If you are feeling led, ask around, find the guy with the list, and see if you can’t take an item or two off his list for him. If you just want to serve quietly, come on in and wash windows, rake leaves, wash off the playground, paint a railing, etc.
Just another quick point. We have, in our church, people who are taking it upon themselves to be people of encouragement. They are making it a point to text, email, or say in person, encouraging words to their fellow church members. What an amazing and needed ministry. Again, difference makers. I received one such encouragement the other day. Just one simple sentence. Powerful. Resulted in many thanks to the Lord. Be honest, be real, and then encourage others and God will multiply your efforts. Just another way to serve...there are millions.
You come to church one Sunday and there are a few holes in the grounds. You point them out to others and then you come back in a few weeks and the holes are gone. You look around and notice that there aren’t any weeds in the gardens. You come to service each week and there are people ready to lead music, you can hear the music, and the words appear on the screen. These things are not done by magic but are accomplished by your fellow church members who give up part of their lives to make sure you are able to worship without distraction.
Yesterday, two of our men sacrificed part of their lives, by coming and working on some sink holes that developed near our cesspool system. They began by pumping out some smelly water, they then dug down the sink hole, found the hole that had developed, and plugged the hole. They did so rejoicing that the cesspool, as a whole, was in good shape and that it was just a small hole. I think I would have had other words on my mind. They have a plan to keep it from happening again. No fan fair. No applause. Servants on a mission to make sure your children are safe and that we can flush without impunity. Difference makers for the Kingdom of God that few will notice.
On any given Saturday you can come to church and find one of our members cleaning the toys. Keeping your children safe. Another individual does a job that we thought was so intrusive into your life that we decided to pay someone to do it...yet they do not take the pay. I know one guy who has a list of volunteer jobs that he wants to do around JBC. A list! He is not waiting for someone to ask him to do something, he made his own list! A couple of our people come in, about four times a year, and redecorate our auditorium. I never know when it is happening and it so nice to walk in and see the new decorations and be reminded of another season for service. Difference makers. Behind the scenes. Serving Jesus by serving others. They do not make things about them but act as true servants seeking to please their Master.
Each week we gather for worship and more often than not, we never notice how much has been done to allow us to worship without distractions. Every once in a while, we notice because an error is made or something does not work like it should or someone cannot fulfill their service and others have to fill in but for the most part, it is our joy to worship without distraction. Thank the Lord for that joy. Then take the time to find a behind the scenes person or two and thank them. If you are feeling led, ask around, find the guy with the list, and see if you can’t take an item or two off his list for him. If you just want to serve quietly, come on in and wash windows, rake leaves, wash off the playground, paint a railing, etc.
Just another quick point. We have, in our church, people who are taking it upon themselves to be people of encouragement. They are making it a point to text, email, or say in person, encouraging words to their fellow church members. What an amazing and needed ministry. Again, difference makers. I received one such encouragement the other day. Just one simple sentence. Powerful. Resulted in many thanks to the Lord. Be honest, be real, and then encourage others and God will multiply your efforts. Just another way to serve...there are millions.
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